Open Source Validation Frameworks
Commons Validator provides the building blocks for both client side validation and server side data validation. It may be used standalone or with a framework like Struts. |
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OVal is a pragmatic and extensible general purpose validation framework for any kind of Java objects (not only JavaBeans) and allows you:
* to easily validate objects on demand,
* to specify constraints for class fields and getter methods,
* to validate objects based on certain EJB3 JPA annotations (namely all field annotations that require a not-null value),
* to configure constraints via annotations, POJOs and/or simple XML files,
* to express constraints using scripting languages such as Groovy, BeanShell, and JavaScript
* to easily create custom constraints, and
* to develop new constraint configuration mechanisms
When using AspectJ certain programming by contract (aka Design By Contract or DBC) these features are available:
* specifying constraints for constructor parameters that are automatically checked when a constructor is called (preconditions),
* specifying constraints for method parameters that are automatically checked when a method is called (preconditions),
* requiring a certain object state before a method is called (preconditions)
* enforcing object validation after an object has been created (invariants),
* enforcing object validation before/after a method of an object is/has been called (invariants),
* specifying constrains for a method's return value that are automatically checked after a method has been executed (postconditions),
* requiring a certain object state after a method is called (postconditions).
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iScreen is a Java Object Validation Framework, suitable for validating Java Objects (including JavaBeans) to ensure that they are \"valid\" according to some definition (usually via configuration). |
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jReform is a library for processing and validating HTML forms that aims to simplify web development by automating validation of form inputs.
* Inputs are evaluated according to predefined criteria
* Validation is performed behind the scenes, allowing developer to concentrate on application logic.
* Additional manual validation can be be added if necessary. |
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Spring Modules is a collection of tools, add-ons and modules to extend the Spring Framework. The core goal of Spring Modules is to facilitate integration between Spring and other projects without cluttering or expanding the Spring core.
* Provides spring integration with commons-validator.
* Provides an extensive framework for declaratively define validation constraints on domain models using XML, Java 5 annotations and/or proprietary validation language (Valang). * The framework is based on Spring's Validator infrastructure.
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JValidate is a framework for Java object validation.
* Support for java 1.4 and higher.
* Validations, constraints can be declared with annotations, xdoclet tags or programmatically.
* Internationalization.
* Integration with web-frameworks JSF, Wicket. |
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JValidations is a framework to express and exercise validation rules for java objects. Its defining characteristics are:
* validation is performed by the objects themselves, not in external \"validator\" classes, preserving encapsulation
* validation rules are expressed in declarative java, not in XML or annotations or what have you
* how a validation failure is handled is entirely up to the caller through the use of callback interfaces
* extensible in that custom validations can be coded, and the DSL syntax can be modified to suit your needs
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